Officially my PEME has not ended yet and I had to go all the way back to ClinicoMed just to sign a tiny bit of paper that I left behind - the troublesome MCA cert. As much as its annoying , I have to sign in on the paper personally just to "officially" clear me on PEME and have the clinic forward it to CF Sharp. After that I didn’t waste any time in hanging out in the clinic and went directly to CF Sharpe for further orders.
Went I got there , I was asked by "sir sherwin" if there is any training seminar I had my eye on . I replied that I don’t have anything yet for the moment and he said "good , if that’s the case - because I had something in mind, Don’t worry its cheap, legal and releases the certificate fast plus its comes with a free C.O.P. certificate" . "Sir Sherwin" got a piece of paper and wrote this ,
2nd floor, San Jose BLDG Paquita street corner Espana st. Sampaloc Manila City
Tel# +63 (02) 516 52 49
He said "rPSCRB seminar training cost only 1,500 Php here , you won't have any problems at all here" . Before I left the CPO office , "sir sherwin" said that CPO crew get a free stuff as a perk , be sure to drop by on "Roda's" desk on the third floor to get your free stuff (which was actually a document holder). I got the free stuff before I left CF Sharp , and its kind of cool because it replaces my tattered makeshift document holder I had on my back pack . Enjoyed the look and said to myself "How come I didn’t get this kind of stuff from my previous employers ??". Now the problem with this document holder is that it’s a bit bulky and heavy, I wonder on how will this turn out on my airport luggage ?
At about 1pm , I enrolled on the course rPSCRB. From what I heard on the GSMTAACI , they don’t exactly offer this course and they referred me to an affiliate training centre called Philippine Merchant Marine Academy Training Centre. Personally I don’t mind the course and lecture part but I have no idea on how training goes for the zambales training site, and asking if we have to travel all the way there on that area. Anyway I guess I'd find out later on how it goes, for now the only reason why I'm interested in this ride along is because the course is cheap and its says on the promo that they have a free COP Certificate that comes along. The registrar said that I had to be in the GSMTAACI Bldg. in the morning of april 14, 2016 at exactly 7:30am.
Here is the picture of my enrollment form for the seminar.
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