Intentionally didn't log on to the internet for a few days, I figured that i needed some time off from being hooked up all the time on face book  and pay more attention on more important matters.

For the moment, i was busy preparing and sorting out the equipment I'd be needing on my next ship work and I'm almost complete on the list of items that I'd be needing. for the general knowledge of the public , here are the items that i will bring along on my work , These are only additional equipments that i will add on my existing "standard equipment" that i have currently.

Mefenamic Acid 50pcs
 Antibiotics (amoxicillin 500) 50 pcs
Shavers Gillete 4pcs
Panteen shampoo 2 bottles of 70ml
Rubbing alcohol 2bottles
Dextrose powder 1 bottle
Band Aid strips 12 Pcs
Cotton Gauge 2 rolls
Vitamin E 400mg Myra brand 3 bottles
Vitamin C 500mg Rhea brand 4 bottles
Vitamin B Complex 8 Bottles
Centrum multivitamins 2 bottles
Medical Tape 1 roll

Army Parka Raincoat 2pcs
Pad Locks 3pcs
Facemask "MMDA" Type
Garrison Belt 2pcs Black
Foldable Multi tool Pliers 2 pcs
Ear Defenders 1 pcs (ace hardware)
"Soldiers Sling" (from camp crame)
Screw Drivers 2pcs (both + and - )
Gel Pen Black 4pcs
Surgical Gloves 4 pieces
Perla 2pcs soap bars
Digital Watch 3pcs
Safe Guard soap 4pcs
Quick Glue (or instant glue Brand name "Lock tite")
"Swat belt"(from Marikina letter store)
Card Board box cutters 4pcs
Card Board box Cutter blades
Disposable nylon straps 4 sets (Ace Hardware)
Seamanship Books and publications (from national bookstore)
Room Thermometer
Underwear set (bench brand clothing store)

Its really amazing that i have come along way from the simple bare basic PPE equipment i use during  my deck cadet years to the now "enhanced" modified equipment i currently use. I guess this is the product of all the knowledge i gained on my years being a seaman, On how to survive and last for enough to finish a contract.

In other news related

During my previous time when i was online , I managed to download a lot of documentary films from the National Geographic Channel and History Channel stored on the YOUTUBE website. I used a YOUTUBE downloader program to download these shows since technically the website doesn't really offer a "Real download" option. The main motive why i had to download this shows is the fact that , it will be useful in case i encounter trouble from the people working there and go plan an "Isolation" Tactic like what i exactly did in Cape Tallin. ( Believe me It would be best going solo in case i encounter hostiles). I can never be sure at all if the people on my next ship will be friendly or will pose a serious threat on my stay there but if ever it boils down to the "Isolation Tactic" I'd make sure that my cabin will not be a prison and will have sufficient stock of entertainment media for me to keep me entertained on the duration of my contract,

Either way i should not take any chances and relay all on "good faith", I should keep in  mind that i should watch my back , especially when it comes to my own kind.

In other news related

Currently i had also now finished modifying the safety helmet I'm going to bring for my next shipboard work , all i had to do was simply use a soldering iron (the one used by electricians) , a few flexible garter straps and a few pieces of nylon strap. To better understand what process i

On late night of march 17 , I was surprised to received a phone call from career shipping. It was Mr. Nidoy on the phone and was asking if i have already started out on my training seminars (referring to the BTU/ BTR , SDSD and C.O.C. Renewal). I said i haven't started it yet and was still waiting to get my leave pay first. Apparently based on my conversation with Mr. Nidoy on the phone, Career wants me to hustle up since there is an O.S. vacancy on some ship called Cape Bari and they want me to be there, A.S.A.P. , he added that i should report to the office when i get my back pay. Apparently from what i heard on MR. Nidoy that there is a lot of vacancies for the O.S. Position on different ships.

Had mixed emotions on that kind of conversation given that I'm dead serious in taking a licensure exam on this vacation and that i couldn't set it aside given that if i did , I'd  have to wait for another 36 months total of sea service (roughly 5 ships all in all ) before i could take an exam as PRC licensure examination rule here in the Philippines. Aside from that license issue , I still have to be fully prepared on my next shipboard work , mostly on the supplies part. Anyway i guess I'd find out on the latter what will be my situation when i report back to the office , The irony of life here is that career doesn't put people who are very eager to go work onboard A.S.A.P. compared to people who are "unwilling and wants to have a good vacation first" on their ships.

I wonder what will be the situation on my next ship in career ? Will it have a regular work off days like Saturday or Sunday ? Or will it have a non-stop fight to the finish work environment (no holidays whatsoever) ? Those thoughts fill me with grim knowing that some ships here in career ship management are very cruel and disregardful on people. To make it worse I have to really look out if the people there   I have to be full prepared and ready if the situations falls on that kind of category


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