Earlier it was thought that actual departure for the airport will be sometime next week - but Cf Sharp company informed that it will be by Monday , two days earlier. I guess i have to go to all the way on this one because of unfortunately events, and being paid 30 percent less from my previous employer for the whole 10 months is no smiling factor for me. Anyway I had already said it a thousand times by now that the only reason why i joined Cf Sharp was the fact CPO principal made me join on the promise that my pay rate would be relatively unchanged from NSB , little that did I knew that it was all a ruse to pin me down and strap me on their ugliest paying principal yet. Anyway it's all past now and that I'm more concerned now in finishing my 9 month long (plus and minus one month)lame contract. - after this , I'd get the fuck out of here as far away as possible. Migration to another company won't be a problem after I get out of here, since my US Visa is still v...