The number of crowd on the tent , 6:15 in the morning Work in renewing my passport has become pending lately, I was supposedly should have renewed my papers way back December last year, but due to holiday season it sorted to fall behind and had waited this January. By the time I had to have it renewed , again it was set back a few days because of a national holiday when the Pope visited this country. Now after clearing all the holidays that went, I decided to make an appointment online on this so called passport services. Unfortunately this so called online passport services my country brags a lot end up to a big disappointment , and to simply say the services they provide are not poor but horrible. If I would compare the services they were doing several years back to present - I would definitely say that passport services years back was better considering that Online appointment system was not implemented yet. For migrant workers you can get a passport within less than 5 hours while n...