So far so good, after a month I finally figured out how an email station works here , but of course I still leave a benefit of the doubt if this every reaches print on my blog given that I'm not so sure about the email blog address I typed in or the effectively of the email station computer here onboard. ? To describe the email system here onboard CONTI Greenland, the email here is much more primitive and crude compared to the "mariner mail" CSM uses. The "Globe email" is barely bare bones compared to the usage from my previous ship - but despite its backwardness , as long as this so called "Globe email" is useful enough to transmit at the very least just plain text , then it will be fine with me. ? I haven't wrote yet the differences from NSB ship to CSM one's, so I guess this is the perfect opportunity to describe the dissimilarities between the two. Aside from having a much bigger salary and less contract time in NSB , the supplies here se...