January 14, 2014 Saturday Things have been quiet been very busy lately and I didn't got the time to update my journal for quiet sometime now. Ok so were shall I begin first ? First off this ship arrived on the ship yard at the 4th of January 2014, but didn't exactly went ahead on the shipyard facility. First this ship was berthed nearby on some sort of "Pre dry dock" facility , This ship stayed there for at least three days to conduct some inspections made by the CSM superintendent on which engine and part will this ship be repaired. Those three days were pretty much busy, as usual there were the usual dock workers who would come in and out to do some maintenance stuff and the like, and even board up their maintenance tool needed for the repairs. On the first day was pretty much quiet no work at all and I was just basically on the gangway watch and putting up notes on the ISPS logbook on who came in and out onboard this ship. Much to my dismay the work schedule th...