Well here are the equipment id be carrying along just incase if ever i do get a job working at sea. A quick rundown on the specs of tools that will be placed on my holdster FOLDABLE MULTI- TOOL PLIERS I was trying to get a black variety of this kind but ended up having a wooden brown color, In any case a pair of pliers is very handy onboard to add more function are the set of mini tools to make it more useful. Now why the hell did i prefer foldadble simple answer i prefer the much more mobile and space saving design. Cost around i think 500 PHP on Sm mall. CARDBOARD BOX CUTTERS This is the most inexpensive of all the tools (aside from the pencil of course) and yet the most used tool, as the name implies that this tool is used to cut and slice objects, Aside from that Unofficially it can be used as a defense weapon as well , In the event that a would be attacker would attempt to jump and beat you to death, this tool will make him / her think twice from doing it. Seriously this is a ...